• Question: What is your favourite extinct animal ?

    Asked by Scifierrupt to Anthony, Cathal, Hannah, Jade, Sallie on 3 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Jade Owen

      Jade Owen answered on 3 Mar 2017:

      My favorite is the Moa – it’s a giant bird that used to exist in New Zealand but became extinct around 600 years ago as people who arrived to the islands ate them and their eggs!

      I saw the bones of one in a museum when I visited New Zealand and it was huge! They have a similar shape to an ostrich and apparently some could be as tall as 2 metres.

    • Photo: Sallie Baxendale

      Sallie Baxendale answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I think it would have to be a mammoth. I would love to see one of those.

    • Photo: Anthony Caravaggi

      Anthony Caravaggi answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Mine’s probably the Thlyacine. It’s a carnivore sometimes known as the marsupial tiger (even though it’s not related to cats) which used to live in Australia and Tasmania. It was a beautiful and amazing animal which had stripes along its lower back (hence ‘marsupial tiger) and a large head with jaws that could open really wild. They were hunted to extinction; the last wild Thylacine was shot in 1930 and the last captive animal died in Hobart Zoo in 1933. We still hear of Thylacine sightings, mainly from Tasmania, but there’s been no evidence of them surviving, yet. All the footage collected so far is of cats or foxes. Here’s some footage of that last Thylacine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odswge5onwY
