• Question: if we dont take care of whale sharks,how long will they survive

    Asked by spongebob to Jade, Anthony on 11 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Jade Owen

      Jade Owen answered on 11 Mar 2017:

      I’m afraid I don’t know that much about Whale sharks – but generally if we all help to look after the environment and don’t take too much from it then all animals will benefit. Lets hope they don’t go extinct!

    • Photo: Anthony Caravaggi

      Anthony Caravaggi answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Whale sharks were classified as Endangered in 2016. This was because their numbers have decreased rapidly in recent years. The biggest problems include fishing and collisions with boats, as well as climate change.

      It’s hard to say how long the species will survive, but if we don’t protect the ocean and try to slow the rate of climate change, whale sharks might not be around in 100 years or so.
